Have I mentioned how much I hate exercising? Cause it's a lot. I was training for a half marathon when I got pregnant with the first child. Of course the first time in my adult life that I was attempting to get healthier, I got something else. It's fine because I got that sweet little munchkin out of the deal, and I'd rather go through labor than run that far ever again. The good news for me is that I do pregnant really well. I don't gain much weight, and I actually lost a few pounds with the last one. Ladies, don't be jealous. My body catches up after the baby arrives.
So exercising is a challenge. Zumba wasn't so bad. I do love to dance, though I don't do it very well. But it also nearly killed me. So most calories will be burned on the elliptical. I have discovered the only way to keep me on that cursed machine is to distract myself. The first part of the season 4 finale of Sons of Anarchy did the trick yesterday. I would have done three more miles if I could have watched the second part. But the two year old is trying to give up naptime so my time was limited. I'll have to find another series when I finish this one. At least I've found a way to keep my butt moving. Thanks Charlie Hunnam.
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