I think it's pretty much impossible for me to stick with the same routine on the weekend that I do on weekdays. So I didn't really try. But I did think of a few little disclaimers I need to make when posting.
Sometimes I'm going to tell a story of something that happened or something that was said. Often these things happen without a person thinking about it. I understand that. I may tell it in a blog because it made me think or it was funny. Please don't take it personally. If you've said something that actually offended me, you'll know. There will be no passive aggressive posting. Just want to make that clear.
Here's an example: this weekend, I went with a friend to a bridal show. I've never been to one of these things. Can you believe that? I've had two weddings and have never met with photographers or caterers. So I am thoroughly enjoying this part of my friend's wedding planning. We went to brunch first and were just having a girls' day. We ran into a friend of hers at lunch so she said hi. And then he said, "Oh is this your mom?" Ya'll, I look like a lot of things, but I do not look like anyone's mother of the bride. Luckily I thought it was funny and an excellent opportunity to pick on the kid, so no big deal.
Then we got to the show. If you've never been anyone's fat friend, you may not believe this is how it works. Or you may think I'm overly sensitive. I don't care. Get your own blog and tell your own story. This is mine, and I swear it's true. My friend decided that we should both sign in as brides so we could both have the experience. Sounds like fun right? I thought so. I made up a wedding date and played along. We started going around to different booth vendors, and the same thing happened pretty much without fail. Every person talked to her about her plans and not me. We're both wearing the same sticker that says bride to be. I would assume our money spends the same. But they all talked to her. Some people referred to me as her family or friend without noticing my bride name tag. One guy noticed about 10 minutes into the conversation and apologized. But he was the only one. It's not just young, pretty people who do this to each other either. There was a married couple who were clearly in their 60s who officiate services that did the same thing. I don't think anyone was doing it on purpose. This is just my reality.
I didn't mention it when we were in the convention center. I just watched it happen and smiled along. To the great credit of my friend, when I did mention it after we left, she said she had noticed it too and hoped I hadn't. Not everyone would have even noticed. And she said she felt bad, but there was absolutely no reason to. She was trying to get me involved in the fun. And just know that this beautiful, skinny friend of mine has never one time made me feel like I'm any different than her. Good friends don't do that.
I'm not telling this so people will feel bad for me or anything. It's just that if your looks are average and your weight above average, it can be a different world entirely. And if you've never lived it, you'd never know it happens. Of course there is another set of problems for the skinny, pretty world. I can gain 10 pounds and not really notice. Smaller girls can tell if they put on 3 or 4. That would not be a lot of fun. Where people assume that I am the size I am because I'm lazy/gluttonous/don't care, people assume that skinny girls are anorexic or unhealthy. Neither of these assumptions is ok. I guess the real point of this one is just be nice to each other. Don't make assumptions about anyone. They're hurtful, even to the girls who look like they have it all. Or the girls like me that just look like they eat it all.
I have totally lived it! Last week I had to assist with a child who was melting down and she screamed "get off me fat old LADY".... I still haven't recovered from that one. ;)
ReplyDeleteSkinny or fat; we are all people and deserve respect.