Thursday, January 8, 2015

Death By Zumba

Yesterday was a big day.  I took cupcakes to the 4 year old's preschool class to celebrate his "special day."  This officially marks the end of cake season at my house.  Everyone except the baby has a birthday between November 13th and January 2nd.  Notice that there are two major food holidays within that window.  Chubby girl's paradise, right?  Unless the chubby girl would prefer to be a bit less chubby.  I survived cake season without gaining any weight, so I'm calling it a win.  I'm pretty much just trying to tread water for those 7 weeks, so...SUCCESS!

Another major milestone from yesterday: I did an entire Zumba video.  If there are any skinny/relatively in shape people reading this, you probably won't believe me.  But I swear it's true.  I'm pretty sure that's the first time in my life that I've done an entire workout video. I had to stop and answer the phone once, but I paused it and picked up where I left off.  I white girl danced to Latin music for 45 minutes!  I almost quit though.  I was pretty sure I was going to die at one point so I checked the time.  When I saw that I only had 7 minutes left, it kind of pissed me off that I had even thought about stopping.  I did have a cupcake with lunch.  But having a treat after exercising is a lot better than having a treat after not exercising. We'll see how the working out goes today. There are muscles on me that are sore that I never even knew existed.

 I had a workout buddy yesterday.  Her hips move much better than mine

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